Singing Guide: D. Train

Singing Guide: D. Train

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

D. Train, also known as James D. Train Williams, is a Grammy-nominated American singer and songwriter who is famous for his soulful voice and his unique style of singing. With his hit songs like "You're the One for Me," "Keep On," and "Something's on Your Mind," D. Train has made his mark in the music industry as one of the greatest singers of all time.

If you want to learn to sing like D. Train, the first step is to analyze your voice to determine your vocal range and type. Singing Carrots offers a vocal range test that can help you find your vocal range in just a few minutes. Once you've determined your range, you can start practicing exercises that align with D. Train's vocal style.

D. Train's unique vocal technique is characterized by his rhythmic and soulful style of singing, which blends gospel and R&B. To learn to sing like D. Train, you should practice breathing exercises to improve your breathing and breath control. Singing Carrots offers articles on breathing basics and breath support that can help you master this skill.

Another aspect of D. Train's unique vocal technique is the use of twang and belting. Singing Carrots offers an exercise to practice twang and another for belting, which can help you improve your twang and belting abilities.

To sing like D. Train, you should also practice singing with emotion and adding your own personal touch to your songs. Singing Carrots offers articles on singing with intuition, skills, emotion, and thinking, as well as how to find your own authentic voice.

When it comes to songs showcasing D. Train's unique vocal technique, "You're the One for Me," "Keep On," and "Something's on Your Mind" are great examples. Singing Carrots offers a song search tool that can help you find songs matching your vocal range, difficulty, and genre preference.

In conclusion, learning to sing like D. Train takes practice and dedication. By using Singing Carrots' resources and incorporating D. Train's unique vocal technique and songs into your practice, you can improve your singing abilities and become a soulful singer like D. Train.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.